About Sarah Boon

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I was diagnosed as autistic at 24 and then ADHD a year later! A lot of people were confused by this piece of news but I quickly learnt this was because most people had heard of autism and ADHD, but have little understanding of what this means. I am using my site as a place where I share my experiences of being autistic, an ADHDer and my experiences in education.

I was already working and supporting supporting neurodivergent individuals in education when I received my late diagnoses, and after completing my master’s in 2020, I have moved into doing a combination of advocacy work relating to autism and neurodiversity, alongside supporting neurodivergent people too. If you are interested in working with, me please click here or connect with me on linkedIn.

Please note that all opinions and views expressed on this site are my own and do not reflect those of my employers or other organisations I work with on a freelance basis.

5 thoughts on “About Sarah Boon

  1. Hi Sarah, 63 year old Autie here.

    i just saw somewhere you are asking which people/websites/blogs, et al have helped us.

    Four folks who have really helped me the past six years since being diagnosed at age 57 are Cynthia Kim musingsofanaspie.com and Amethyst Schaber who has a youtube channel. and her great video series ‘ask an autistic’

    also, filmmaker John Schaffer of Wild Asperagus Productions, who makes amazing films.
    Laura Nagle, whose film is Vectors of Autism, made by John.

    John has a youtube channel too. and his films are free to view there.

    Vectors of Autism is a most amazing film.

    hope this helps others to find these resources.

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